0333 323 7708

Meter verificaton and downsizing

Meters can go wrong.

Get yours tested.

Get in touch and start saving.

Almost all non-household customers now have a water meter, and this is used to estimate the amount of foul sewage generated.

If you have a water meter, your foul sewage charges are worked out using a volumetric rate which is multiplied by the volume of water used, adjusted for the water that does not return to the sewers.

Most companies also charge a "standing charge" the level of this charge is dependent on the size of your water meter on site.

Water Management Services UK will verify your meter and its size to be sure it is correctly suited for your business needs and that you are being charged accordingly.

Get your meter tested and verified as part of our process - contact us today for no obligation advice.




Start saving now by calling: 0333 323 7708

To book your free initial water audit review call 0333 323 7708 or email: office@watermanagementsolutions.co.uk

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