Water Management Solutions UK Ltd was appointed by Cumbria County Council after becoming aware of the cost reduction results we had been able to achieve for other councils across the UK.
After we had received the water billing data, WMS UK Ltd wasted no time getting straight down to the detailed and pain staking review of years worth of bills levied by the water supply company. Our water billing experts were able to identify many irregularities within the water billing and this amounted to hundreds of thousands of pounds.
The audit was a huge success for Cumbria County Council and we were able to achieve in excess of £350,000 in refunds for them. This windfall of money was a welcomed surprise for Cumbria County Council.
Areas of investigation included :
Auditing bespoke/unusual tariffs and charges levied by the water company
Identifying opportunities for surface water & highways drainage charge reductions
Investigating meter sizes and related charge reduction opportunities
Real examples of water savings in action. Water Management Solutions here to help you reduce your water and sewage costs and bills.